Illuminate secret society


Illuminate secret society

I think it is all of the world bankers.

I never did any research on this secret society but from what I am told, if actors, athletes, and singing artists who make a lot of money, these people rose to fame by joining the illuminate.

This society has a plan to control the world. It does control the world. The IMF, International Monetary Fund controls all money in the world.

Nope. The members are from all over the world.

All of the billionaires all over the globe control all money flow on this planet.

I have no idea. Nobody does but I can name some of the members. The Rothschilds. That Saudi Prince, Prince Bin Talal. The Rockefellers. A whole lot more people are members.

I think all world leaders are part of the illuminate.

The illuminate wants one central bank and leaders who don’t want a central bank and who want to set up their own currency have gotten murdered. That is why Moamar Gaddafi was murdered. He wanted to set up his own currency and abandon the US dollar as the currency standard.

Yes. They will kill people who don’t want the NWO, New World Order they are trying to establish.

Lol! I don’t. Look all over the world at what’s happening. People are rising up to protest the illuminate. All of the protests all over the world is because people are tired of being controlled, conned and manipulated.

I don’t know anything about Bitcoin. I know the bitcoin stock fell a few days ago.

If bitcoin stock rises again they will get a lot of money. We never know if it will rise and that is why it’s risky to buy bitcoin stock at a low price now.

I think we are being watched on Facebook too.

I don’t like GMO. They are terrible. Do you know what Monsanto is. It is the corporation that produces GMO. They have a monopoly on seed we use to grow food.

Haarp is not a conspiracy theory. Governments can control the weather.

No. Haarp has been around for decades.


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